Vault States

Here are our 4 primary vault states and what it means in relation to your deposits and withdrawals.

1. Round Start, Auction Pending

Vaults are now closed to all new withdrawals and deposits. New deposits made after this state begins will be pending and only completed at 'Round End, Settlement Complete'. Any withdrawal requests will also be made pending and completed at 'Round End, Settlement Complete'.

Deposit window - Open. Deposits will be added to the next round.

Withdrawal window - Closed. You may still request for a withdrawal.

2. Round In Progress, Auction Completed

Similarly, vaults are still closed to any new deposits for this round and any deposits made will join the next round. Requested withdrawals will only be enabled at 'Round End, Settlement Complete'.

Deposit window - Open. Deposits will be added to the next round.

Withdrawal window - Closed. You may still request for a withdrawal.

3. Round End, Settlement Pending

Now, the round has ended and settlement is in progress. Deposits made will be added to the upcoming round and withdrawals will only be enabled at the next stage.

Deposit window - Open. Deposits will be added to the next round.

Withdrawal window - Closed. You may still request for a withdrawal.

4. Round End, Settlement Complete

The previous round has officially ended and the upcoming round is in preparation. Deposits made prior to this stage will be added to the upcoming round. Deposits made during this state will also be added to the upcoming round.

Deposit window - Open. All pending deposits as well as deposits initiated during this window will be added to the upcoming round.

Withdrawal window - Open. All pending withdrawals as well as withdrawals initiated during this window will be completed instantly.

Last updated